Exhibition for Analytics & AI Tools and Applications from Companies & Start-ups

Join us at our conference for an exciting exhibition on AI and Data Analytics. Discover AI applications in various fields, learn from industry experts, network with peers, and explore how AI is transforming businesses. If you're a firm or startup with AI products to showcase, express your interest today for this prestigious opportunity.

Expression of Interest!

Predictive Analytics
Al algorithms enable predictive analytics, helping businesses forecast trends, customer behavior, and market demand.
Personalized Marketing
Allows companies to deliver personalized marketing campaigns, enhancing customer engagement and conversion rates.
Fraud Detection
Detects fraudulent activities by analyzing transaction patterns & identifying anomalies in real-time to prevent financial losses.
Healthcare Insights
Personalized treatment plans, prevention & early diagnosis to further enable healthcare providers.
Supply Chain Optimization
Deliver improved efficiency, reduced costs, and better inventory management powered by use of Al.
Multilingual Translation
NLP automates the translation of customer communications from English to all major Indian languages.